



Equip Your Leaders ​with the Skills to ​Attract and Retain ​Top Talent

Hiring training for leaders in ​businesses without HR; and on ​behalf of HR teams with limited ​capacity.

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When Your Leaders Don’t Have the Skills to Hire Effectively, ​Your Business Is at Risk of...

  • High Turnover Rates: You face increased costs for recruiting and training new employees.
  • Increased Costs: Repeated hiring and training efforts strain your finances.
  • Reduced Productivity: Misaligned skills lead to inefficiencies and lower quality of work.
  • Lower Employee Morale: Team dynamics suffer, resulting in decreased engagement and higher ​absenteeism.
  • Damage to Employer Brand: A flawed hiring process can deter top candidates and harm your industry ​reputation, making it difficult to attract future top talent.
  • Poor DEI Outcomes: Inadequate hiring practices can lead to a lack of diversity, equity and inclusion ​within your workforce.
  • Missed Business Opportunities: Lack of skilled employees hinders innovation and growth.
  • Compliance and Legal Issues: Non-compliance with laws and regulations can lead to expensive legal ​challenges and harm your reputation.

When You Empower Your Leaders to Hire Effectively, You ​Enable Them to Attract and Retain the Talent to Drive Your ​Business Forward...

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Attract Top Talent

Attract high-quality ​candidates who align with ​your business goals.

Continuous Improvement

Improve Hiring Efficiency

Streamline hiring ​processes to reduce time-​to-hire and minimise ​costs.

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Reduce Turnover Costs

Minimise the costs​ associated with high​ turnover.​

In This 'Effective Hiring Training for Leaders' Workshop, Your ​Leaders Will Learn...

Developing a Hiring ​Strategy

Understand the ​importance of ​creating a robust ​and inclusive hiring ​plan aligned with ​business goals.



Appreciate the value ​of a strong employer ​brand and how it ​influences hiring.

Candidate ​Experience

Enhance the ​candidate journey to ​make a lasting ​positive impression.

Sourcing Diverse ​Candidates

Implement ​strategies to source ​and attract a diverse ​talent pool.

Screening & Selection ​Techniques

Apply effective ​methods to screen ​and select the best ​candidates.

Conducting ​Effective Interviews

Learn techniques for ​conducting ​inclusive, structured ​and insightful ​interviews.

Making Competitive ​Offers

Master the offer ​process to attract ​and secure top ​talent.

Pre-boarding New ​Hires

Keep new hires ​engaged prior to ​starting to ensure a ​smooth transition.

Legal & Ethical ​Considerations

Stay compliant with ​relevant laws, ​regulations and ​ethical standards.

I Understand How Frustrating and Disappointing It Is When a ​Hiring Process Does Not Work Out...

Hi, I’m Jo Smyth! I’m passionate about building high-performing teams, ​fostering inclusive workplaces and empowering individuals to reach their full ​potential. With over 20 years of experience leading successful talent ​acquisition teams and HR initiatives at fantastic organisations like Vanguard ​Asset Management (where I served as Head of Talent Acquisition for Europe) ​and Russell Investments, I am dedicated to driving exceptional outcomes.

To Empower Your Leaders with Effective Hiring Skills:

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Share information about ​your business so I can ​understand your unique ​challenges and goals.

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2. Nominate Your L​eaders

Enroll your leaders in a ​tailored 'Effective Hiring ​Training for Leaders' ​workshop.

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3. Attract & Retain Top Talent

Equip your leaders to ​attract & retain top talent ​to drive your business ​forward.

To Equip Your Leaders with the Skills to Attract and Retain Top ​Talent for Your Business, Schedule a Call Today.

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